Stardew Valley is a game by Eric Barone. It is available on multiple platforms such as PC, Mac, and Linux. The player starts the game with nothing and works hard to build their farm up.
In this article, we will be providing you with some valuable tips that you can use while playing Stardew Valley tips.
Helpful Advice for New Players
Stardew Valley is a popular game that was released in 2016. The game has received positive reviews and is constantly growing in popularity.
I’ve compiled a list of tips every player should know with minimal spoilers. However, some things should be discovered by you on your own. Here are some tips that may help you. Also, they will answer questions about saving the game or crafting.
List of Tips
There is no other way to save the game than to sleep. Every day starts with saving. If you have to leave and don’t want to lose time, go to bed, presuming that all of your farmer’s tasks have been completed.
Every day, before you go outside, watch TV – Your farmer’s time and energy are not wasted watching television. The television shows weather forecasts for the next day (so you can plan and know if it’ll rain or be a free day), as well as two valuable channels: Survival and Cooking. Survival gives you helpful hints and occasionally directs you to an excellent foraging location. The culinary channel is necessary since the Queen of Sauce will show you recipes. When it’s a rerun, the game will notify you.
Finally, a fortune teller is available every day. She reveals a hidden luck boost for each day, indicating that it’s an excellent time to go to the mines or go fishing when your luck is good. Rare items are less likely to be found when it is low.
Staying up too late has two consequences. – For starters, staying up beyond midnight affects the energy level the next day. Being awake at 1:50 can get you to around half a bar. Your character will collapse and be rescued by a Pelican Town resident if you remain up until 2 a.m. They’ll charge you a ‘fee’ for their assistance—a significant portion of the cash you had on hand. When I’m deep in the mines, I try to be as broke as possible.
Death in the mines will result in much more losses. Some of your belongings will indeed be lost, but some of what is lost will be reclaimed the next day. I’m not sure what kinds of items you can lose, but some people have reported losing weapons they’ve found, which is horrible and explains why you can’t sell the wooden sword in the game.
Always keep your hoe handy – there are a few worms in the earth that spring out now and again. If you smash them with the hoe when you see them, you might gain something valuable. Even artifacts that could be donated to the museum are acceptable. This is the only way to find some objects. Worms are more likely to appear when it rains. Furthermore, carrying your hoe into the mines allows you to collect valuable things from dirt patches.
In-game, enable tool hit locations in the settings menu – To bring it up, use ESC. This will save you time and energy by preventing you from hitting the wrong tile. It’s not attractive, but it’ll come in handy if you’re new to the game. When you’re more comfortable with hit locations, you may wish to remove them.
You can manage your character and equipment from the ESC menu. You can also construct from one of the tabs.
Crafted things are placed in your bag so you can move about and choose a suitable location for them. The hoe can use to move them. For this, treasure chests may need to be empty.
Start with quick crops for a quick return on investment and fast farming experience – Slower crops that produce more produce are fantastic later on, but you’ll want to cultivate short crops at the start so you can sell the produce quickly and buy more seeds.
You can make fertilizer out of sap, which increases your agricultural income by generating more silver and gold-star plants. You simply need level 1 farming to get started so that you may start right away. The sap is discovered by felling mature trees. With sap in your inventory, go to the crafting menu (ESC) and hold right-click to manufacture a bunch of them. It’s really simple to make a lot of fertilizer for two sap apiece.
After the ground has been tilled, apply fertilizer before the seedlings are planted. Fertilizer is beneficial to many vegetables, but it shines brightest when used on plants that produce multiple times throughout the year. Because fertilizer lasts all season, it can operate on numerous rounds of seeds.
Pierre’s allows you to sell fruits and vegetables, which means you won’t have to wait for money from the bin to buy seeds following a harvest. This allows you to plant more quickly. Later on, you may want to sell through the bin, but this is an excellent early-game strategy. Pierre’s is also a perfect place to get seasonal seeds.
Be wary of the Traveling Cart: On Friday and Saturday, a gypsy emerges in the forest south of the property. If you don’t have the path cleared to the farm’s southern location, you can reach there by traveling to town, down, and westward. She sells uncommon seeds and occasionally allows you to purchase an ancient seed. The cart offers some expensive stuff, so you’ll want to use it both in the middle and late game.