Do you want to correct your crooked and misaligned teeth but do not wish to wear braces and wire brackets? Are you looking for a discreet teeth straightening method that will allow you to blend in easily without worrying that people will notice your treatment? You will find Orlando clear aligners a more appealing form of orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth. Clear aligners can correct several bite issues, including overbites, crowded teeth, and underbites. If you look forward to knowing more about aligners, you can read the following article to understand how they work.
Can Clear Aligners Correct Bite Issues?
Your dentist can recommend clear aligners to help fix your teeth alignment and eliminate overlapping teeth, overbites, underbites, and open bites, large and small gaps between your teeth. You can also get this treatment for your baby if they have misaligned primary teeth between the ages of six and ten.
What Will Happen During Your Consultation Session?
During your consultation, your dentist will do an oral exam, review your medical health, and order a diagnostic imaging test. You can also tell your dentist your treatment goals and what you hope to achieve after treatment. After determining your suitability for treatment, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and then send them to the laboratory to create your set of clear aligners. You can then go home and wait for your next appointment to try your set.
What Will Happen On Your Next Appointment?
During your next appointment, your doctor will have made your teeth impressions and created your clear aligners. You will then receive your clear aligners, which you will change every three weeks. You must wear clear aligners for up to 22 hours daily to achieve maximum teeth straightening and a corrected bite issue. However, you must take them out as you eat and brush your teeth before returning them. Usually, after your treatment, your doctor will create a clear retainer that you will wear every night during sleep to prevent the recurrence of malocclusion. A retainer can also help ensure your teeth stay in their correct position. You can replace your retainers every six to twelve months.
Are There Benefits Of Clear Aligners?
The first obvious benefit you will enjoy is the invisibility of clear aligners. Once you wear them, no one will easily notice them, and you will also not need metal wires and brackets with your clear aligners. Secondly, you can take them out before you eat and then put them back in, thus allowing you to eat what you want. Since you can remove your aligners, you can then easily clean your gums and clean your aligners separately. Additionally, treatment with clear aligners can reduce treatment time compared to other aligners. You only need up to twelve months to achieve complete treatment.
Clear aligners are an effective solution to correcting most teeth misalignment issues in the shortest time compared to other aligners. Since they are invisible, you will not have to worry about anyone detecting you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Another advantage to clear aligners is removing them before meals, washing your teeth and aligners, and then putting them back. Therefore, you will still be able to enjoy eating what you love. You can talk to your doctor about this option of orthodontic treatment if you seek something discreet to resolve your teeth misalignment.