Welcoming all dungeon masters and players, here is an introduction to the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, “Infestation”. This campaign setting takes place in the town of Raven’s Hill which has been infected with a terrible plague. The players must find a cure before the town is wiped out!
Therefore If you’re a fan of the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition MMORPG, you’ll love this new Infestation 5e variant! This mod introduces infestations of all kinds into the game, making it more challenging and exciting. Players will have to work together to clear out infestations before they take over entire towns – or worse. Therefore, check it out now and see for yourself how much fun this can add to your D&D experience!
Infestation 5E
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 30 feet
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, and Material
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Scales: Yes
- School: Conjuration
- Casters: Arcane Trickster, Druid, Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
More Further Information About Infestation
Infestation 5e is the newest edition of the popular pen-and-paper RPG that has been played by millions. You are one of many to have fallen victim to a horrifying infestation, but you’re not alone.
The world’s best scientists and doctors are working tirelessly on a cure for this disease, and they need your help! Explore new regions in North America, Africa, Asia, or Europe as you search for clues about how these parasites spread so quickly–you may be surprised at what you find!
Nevertheless, the creature you see within range suddenly appears covered in mites, fleas, and other parasites. Unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw, the target takes 1d6 poison damage and moves 5 feet in a random direction if it can move and has a speed of at least 5 feet. If north, roll a d4; south, roll a d4; if east, roll a d4; and if west, roll a d4. Besides, this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and the target won’t move if the direction rolled is blocked.
Your spell’s damage increases by 1d6 at the fifth, eleventh, and seventeenth levels.
Infestation is the first cantrip you learn at 1st level if you aren’t already aware of it. Adding to this, you may use Intimidation with a double proficiency bonus when making checks with it. After you reach the sixth level, you’ll have the ability to cast Spider hop on yourself without requiring material components or a spell slot.
This benefit can be used again only after you have completed a long or brief rest. Furthermore, the space you cover after a running jump increases by various feet appropriate to your Charisma modifier. You have become infested with the Infestation at the 14th level. Several benefits follow.
-Whenever you cast a spell that deals acid, necrotic, or poison damage, your Charisma modifier adds to the damage roll.
There are a variety of creatures that are permanently affected by your Sanctuary spell. (These creatures include insects, bats, centipedes, spiders, and scorpions.)
The 10th level grants immunity to all diseases and poisons. Further, any melee attack or spell that deals damage with various touches will deal an additional 1d6 poison damage to the target. That damage increases to 2d6 at level 10. Your Infestation cantrip affects a range of creatures based on your Charisma modifier.
The poisoned condition is applied to every creature that fails its saving throw for one minute. At the beginning of every turn, creatures affected can attempt a Constitution saving throw, ending the effect early if they succeed.
How does infestation work 5e?
A creature targets, it makes a save, and if it fails, it takes damage and moves. There are no open-ended “summon insects” spells or area effect spells with Infestation. ‘Tis a short-lived (instant) spell that targets a single target.
Does infestation provoke attacks of opportunity?
The spell won’t provoke opportunity attacks because it uses the target’s movement, action, or reaction.
What weapon does the most damage in DnD?
It does 2d6 damage, the highest minimum, average, and maximum damage of any weapon without feats or class abilities. Why millions have played a Fighter (or Paladin) that specializes in great weapons and takes the Great Weapon Master feat, they will be out doing as much damage as possible.